10th China International Metal Working Fluid Technology Seminar and Industry Equipment lubrication conference 2024

November 11, 2024
Dongguan City of Guangdong

Conference Introduction

China International Metal Working Fluid Technology Seminar and Industry Equipment Lubrication Conference, founded in 2015, has been successfully held for 8 sessions, is a large professional conference in the field of metal working fluids in China and the world with wide influence, high specifications and strong professionalism.

Based on Dongguan, the "factory of the world", the conference radiates Asia and attracts the world. It is committed to building a global one-stop exhibition service platform for industrial lubrication industry chain, such as experts and scholars of lubricant industry, raw material producers, distributors and end users. After years of development, the China International Metal Working Fluid Technology Seminar and Industry Equipment Lubrication Conference has actively become a barometer of the development of the industry, and is an important conference platform for the industry to explore the innovation and market development of metal working fluids and industrial equipment lubrication technology.

Industry News

  • 引言2023年6月29日至7月1日,第二十二届中国国际润滑油品及应用技术展览会(Inter Lubric China)在上海顺利开展。展会现场人气爆棚,近200家企业参与品牌展示,带来了众多行业内的新产品。《润滑油品导购》在展会现场深入走访,记者黄英妹女士来到上海棋成的展位,与上海棋成润滑材料有限公司副总经理刘锋先生进行深度访谈,了解棋成砥砺前行二十余载的精彩!上海棋成润滑材料有限公司副总经理刘锋...
  • 引言在第二十二届中国国际润滑油品及应用技术展览会(Inter Lubric China)现场,《润滑油品导购》在展会现场深入走访,与企业交流,与行家论道。本次《润滑油品导购》记者黄英妹女士来到了科莱恩的展位,对科莱恩护理化学品业务高级副总裁兼全球工业应用总裁缪志刚先生进行采访,深度了解科莱恩这家老牌化工巨头基于全新战略背景在中国市场的发展与开拓!01新旧交替 战略前行作为全球领先的特种化...
  • ForewordIn the latter part of 2023, the economic situation is not strong enough to meet expectations. In such circumstances, how about the weather on the lubricant market? How much impact have the ent...

Traffic Guide

The 9th China International Metal Working Fluid Technology Seminar and Industrial Equipment Lubrication Conference
Add: Dongguan City of Guangdong
Conference Information
Contact Us
Guangzhou Office
Add: Room 1001-1010, Baoao Square ,No. 48 Hanxingzhong Road, Panyu, Guangzhou, Guangdong
Tel: 020-83587112
Ms.Huang: +86 15918741678
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